We have been honored to be invited to present our project at Europe’s leading aerospace trade fair, ILA Berlin 2024, this past week, June 5-9.

“Every two years, ILA Berlin brings the global aerospace industry to the heart of Europe. For five days, Europe’s leading aerospace trade fair transforms Berlin into an international aerospace hub. Industry representatives, policymakers, armed forces and academia come together under the motto #PioneeringAerospace to discuss current challenges and opportunities. Exhibitors from all over the world present their latest developments, innovative solutions, and research projects around the three key topics Innovation, New Technologies and Sustainability.”

Our colleagues and professionals from Tampere University and Universidad Politécnica de Madrid were present giving an up-close look at the innovative design of our unmanned WIG vehicle and showing the latest videos from our recent flight tests over the frozen lake in Lapland, Finland.

To know more about ILA Berlin, visit their Web: